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hair loss causes


Hair loss is the problem faced by almost every person in the world. Losing up to 100 to 150 hairs is normal. It’s a fact that men are more likely to lose their hair than women due to male pattern baldness. The reasons for hair loss can range from simple and temporary to the more complex. It is vital to know the causes of hair loss for the treatment.

Hair loss problem is transferred genetically from parents to their offspring. It means it runs in families. Hereditary condition like male baldness pattern or female baldness pattern is the most common cause of hair loss. The onset of hair loss begins at the end of puberty. The present hair loss genes make your hair follicles sensitive to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on the top of your head. DHT causes from the male hormone testosterone. Hair follicles begin to deteriorate as the DHT handles the miniaturization of follicles. Hair becomes thinner with time and at the severe stage the production of hair ceases completely. It is unfortunate that the hair loss problem tends to increase as you age and continues throughout your lifetime.

There is a stereotype that baldness is inherited only from maternal grandfather. But this myth has now been disapproved by medical science that has demonstrated that both parents contribute to the likelihood of hair loss in their offspring. The gene occurs from either your mother or father side of a family. You are more likely to have hair loss problem if both of your parents had suffered it.

Besides genetic reason, there are many underlying causes of hair loss. The causes involve many psychological, physical, hormonal and environmental factors. Deficiency of necessary nutrients in the diet leads to severe hair loss problem. Many expensive shampoos and hair products are consumed by sufferers while FDA approves only two hair products Rogaine and Propecia for the treatment of hair loss.

Contact our Hair Transplant Surgery Center to learn more about the science behind hair loss and what you can do about it.

We are providing Hair transplant and Hair PRP services to stop hair fall.